Tuesday 28 August 2012

(6) Project Outputs & Our Primary Product

This project will produce two operational genealogy and social history database websites, one for each of the research domains used to extend Yggdrasil:

  1. the KHRD (Koori Health Research Database) and 
  2. the Convicts and Diggers database.
These sites will allow authorised users to search for individuals, view their genealogies and life course data in a variety of ways, manage population sub-groups and cohorts, access routine reports, export data, and grow the database's scope and accuracy as further sources come to light, are entered, and interpretations improve.

The code used to create these websites will be availabe for re-use under a BSD licence. All components created by the project team will be available from a github site (see the "Sourcecode" link on this blog) along with documentation for users and developers. The user reference manual will address operational day to day usage procedures and will explain how to go about using a new database instance and providing access to authorised users. Where possible documentation will also be built into online contextual help. set up your own instance of the site. The latter manual will explain how to install the software and will advise as to required pre-requisites, dependancies and configuration. All dependencies will be documented and configuration instructions for those dependences will be provided. Detailed information will be given along with the code used to initially load both the KHRD and the Convicts and Diggers. The intention is that other parties should be able to adapt the load procedures used for these website instances to their own requirements, if they are not starting a new database from scratch.


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